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Главная » ТВ, Dj оборудование, Hi-Fi техника » Dj оборудование » Педали эффектов » Аксессуар JOYO JF-326 Irontune Chromatic Mini Pedal Tuner за 2942 рублей

    Аксессуар JOYO JF-326 Irontune Chromatic Mini Pedal Tuner за 2942 рублей

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    Стоимость товара:
    2942 руб.
    Количество заказов:
    JOYO JF-326 Irontune Chromatic mini Pedal Tuner Guitar and Bass JOYO JOYO JF-326 Irontune
    The Irontune mini pedal board tuner is a high precision guitar pedal tuner in the most compact design and can be used for guitar or bass.
    The advanced technology has an accuracy of +/- 1cent and reacts really fast. The semi-transparent flip-top design is different than the other Ironman pedals and clearly let the display shine through.
    The illuminated LED display is easy to see in any light condition. The Irontune brings tuning precision and high sensitivity together in an incredibly small enclosure. A True Bypass circuit minimizes signal loss and you can see the tuning throught the transparent flip top lid !
    The Irontune mini pedal board tuner is a high precision guitar pedal tuner in the most compact design and can be used for guitar or bass.
    The advanced technology has an accuracy of +/- 1cent and reacts really fast. The semi-transparent flip-top design is different than the other Ironman pedals and clearly let the display shine through. The illuminated LED display is easy to see in any light condition. The Irontune brings tuning precision and high sensitivity together in an incredibly small enclosure. A True Bypass circuit minimizes signal loss and you can see the tuning throught the transparent flip top lid !
    The Irontune will happily tune almost anything you ask it to! Five string bass, no problem, acoustic guitars, no problem, it doesn't even waver when it comes to extended range guitars. A solid tuner that won't let you down. Plus it takes up barely any room on your pedal board, so what's not to like? Try one today!!!

    JOYO Audio UK are the exclusive UK distributor for JOYO guitar effects and musical accessories in the UK. Please search our map of UK JOYO guitar effect dealers dotted about the UK to try in store, there are now over 70 JOYO retailers who can hook you up, with great service & support, most of them family owned independent music shops, so shop local!. Lots of JOYO demos here, reviews and product information for everything JOYO in the UK. Say 'hello' to JOYOAUDIOUK via Facebook for JOYO competitions, giveaways and the latest UK JOYO guitar effect pedal news and reviews.
    Feb 2017 you can visit our JOYO Effect showroom in person, hear us at UK shows, or shop directly with us online at
    JOYO Audio UK Limited - Manchester - England. Established 2014
    Registered in UK. Company Reg: 09011786 VAT: 187854548 Contact

    JOYO Audio UK Music network ensure that the best, friendliest, knowledgeable, passionate retailers stock our pedals to try before you buy.
    Search for a local retailer near you on our very handy JOYO Guitar Effects - Search UK Retailers Map .. in some areas it is a little sparse, we launched in 2014 and hope to welcome new members to the JOYO family.
    We are working hard to grow and develop a network of UK JOYO retailers. If you cant find your nearest store, tell them to get in touch. !!
    If you are looking to retail JOYO in the UK in store & would like to stock an established, affordable alternative range of guitarist gear and benefit from some competitive margins, then please register for a JOYO Audio UK retailer account with your details. More information on registering

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    2942 р
    Питание: блок питания 9 В (центр отрицательный)
    Размер: 7,34,35 см
    Особенности: сверхпрочный литой корпус, яркий светодиодный дисплей, прозрачная крышка
    Вес: 222 г
    Тип: тюнер хроматический
    Назначение: для электо и бас-гитары
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