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    Аксессуар Peak Design Camera Strap Leash за 2704 рублей

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    2704 руб.
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    I bought this for my canon g7x. I needed a strap with attachments that were thin enough to loop to the camera. The canon g7x has the teeniest loop holes and there weren't any on the market that would attach to my camera! Stupid sure why they couldn't make the hole a tad bigger. The strap canon provided is a hand strap and I needed a neck one bc I shoot a lot of vids on to go. My dslr is too heavy to take around thus needing a smaller one.
    Anyways, peak design products seemed like it would work. I also liked that it came with an super quick and easy attach/detach option. Item came in one day and immediately i loved the high quality packaging and product. I love the ease of use and how sturdy the strap was. It is very nicely designed and just quality, really. Bad news is that the loops did NOT fit my camera. Ugh. So I had to improvise and using a 550 cord, I just made a quick loop attachment and attached the peak design strap onto my camera. This should not be a problem to regular dslr owners but just letting other people know who have canon g7x's or similar that these do not work. Regardless, I LOVE my strap! It comes with 4 attachments so I attached the remaining 2 attachments to my other dslr camera. Buy this! It's great!!!!
    Great strap for smaller (Fuji X-T1) camera. Long enough to wear cross body but can be shortened for around the neck wear.
    Fabric is supple comfortable, thin enough to fold up to about the size of a roll of 1/2 dollars. the attachment system is not the smallest but the actual attachment to the camera is with thinnish kevlar cordage that has enough stiffnss and size to stay out the way. The buckle assembly is light enough that the stiffness of the cordage keeps it from flopping around. The cord is now color coded by layer to indicate the necessity of wear related replacement.
    As always check your gear but I have no worries regarding either strength or durability.
    I alternate between using it attached to the 2 lugs and attaching it to a tripod mount ring. The attachment system makes changing a 10 second process. While shooting I prefer the bottom mount but prefer the lugs for carrying as there is less bounce/twist.
    If lost I would replace with the same without any hesitation.
    Just received this strap today, and it exceeds my expectations. I’m always looking for the perfect strap, and I feel this comes close for those of us who use Mirrorless cameras. It looks and feels like seatbelt material but much softer, it’s a little less than an inch thick, which is perfect. All the ends and seems feel durable enough to last at least a few years of heavy use. It’s also extremely versatile as there are multiple ways the strap can be worn.
    My only drawbacks are the lack of ability to get the loops through a camera’s strap lugs without adding the triangular pieces (can scratch the camera body and just feels a little clunky) also, if only this strap could have the quick features of the larger ones with the styling of the Summit series, while still maintaining the smaller plastic pieces and same thinness, that’d make it perfect to me.

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    Peak Design
    Camera Strap Leash


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