Аудиоинтерфейс Apogee One for iPad and Mac за 27075 рублей
13 января, раздел: ТВ, Dj оборудование, Hi-Fi техника » Dj оборудование » Аудиоинтерфейсы, просмотров 437
Стоимость товара:
27075 руб.
The Apogee ONE is a 2 IN x 2 OUT USB Audio Interface/Microphone for iPad & Mac
The all new Apogee ONE is the first studio quality microphone and USB audio interface for iPad and Mac. ONE is designed for easily creating professional and amazing sounding recordings on your iPod touch, iPhone, iPad or Mac. Using Apogee’s premium AD/DA conversion, ONE produces pristine music, podcast, and voice-over recordings while also delivering audiophile quality sound to your headphones.
The all new ONE for iPad and Mac features special circuitry designed to deliver professional performance for iPad use and low latency USB performance for Mac.
Legendary Sound Quality
Why Apogee is the best choice
for your studio
Apogee is an award-winning industry leader in digital recording technology with over 25 years of experience. Preferred by recording pros around the world, Apogee products like Duet, Ensemble and Symphony I/O have been instrumental in creating countless GRAMMY® and OSCAR® winning recordings and have set the industry standard in professional recording for over two decades.
Audio professionals and artists have chosen Apogee and Waves products to make countless hit recordings. Now when you buy Apogee ONE, Duet, Quartet or Ensemble, you also receive a discount code good for 25% off a single plugin or 35% off any Waves bundle plus an additional $100 voucher* that can be used towards your next Waves plugin purchase. These offers can be applied to any special deals from Waves, giving you the ability to save up to thousands of dollars. Apogee and Waves provide industry standard tools for recording, mixing and mastering audio and offer everything you need to complete your project on Mac, no matter what recording software you use.
"The sound from the ONE is absolutely stunning. It has no trouble driving the headphones well beyond my comfort level, doing so with plenty of headroom to spare. The ONE has a, dare I say it, ruler-flat response. Its performance is on par with some desktop DAC/amps that are many times more the help of the ONE, I can listen to high-quality music files from my iPad - and it sounds great. It's a no-brainer for audiophiles who travel a lot and don't want to lug around their MacBook. Not a road warrior? Not a problem. The ONE also works great as an audio engine for a clean and simple rig on your bedroom nightstand - or anywhere."
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Технические характеристики
Питание для подключенных iPod touch, iPhone или iPad
Возможность работы от батарей для дистанционного управления iPad (2 батареи формата AA, в комплект поставки не входят)
Передача аудиосигналов по протоколу USB ЦАП-АЦП с разрешением 24 бит/192 кГц
Встроенный всенаправленный конденсаторный микрофон (с прилагаемой подставкой)
2 аналоговых входа (микрофонный XLR и 1/4” инструментальный)
Легендарное качество звука от Apogee
Изготовитель товара
One for iPad and Mac
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