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    Аксессуар JOYO JF-323 Wooden Sound за 3330 рублей

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    3330 руб.
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    This was the cheapest acoustic modeler I could find. I didn't expect that it would make my electric guitar run through an amp actually sound like an acoustic guitar. The only thing that will make a guitar sound like an acoustic guitar is an acoustic guitar, plain and simple. But these pedals do produce a unique sound. The pedal tries to sound like an acoustic guitar and does a fair job at it, but if you really want an acousic sound, you just have to get an acoustic guitar. Like I said, the sound this pedal makes does do a good job of trying to sound acoustic and succeeds in coming up with a neat "woody" sound. In combination with other pedals, it can make some pretty fantastic sounds. I've mixed it with an octave pedal, chorus, phaser, etc. and they all sound really cool. The absolute best combo though was the Joyo JF-323 with my red Fuzzface. I was always a bit disappointed with the Fuzzface. It neveer really sounded "fuzzy" enough, like the fuzz pedals of the 60s, it mainly just sounded like a typical distortion pedal. But using the Fuzzface in combination with the Joyo acoustic modeler makes the Fuzzface totally come to life and sound exactly like I'd always wanted it to. The two pedals in conjunction make the best fuzz pedal sound I've ever heard in person, which is why I give this pedal a five star rating. By itself, it's pretty cool, I'd probably have given it 3 or 4 stars, but using it with other pedals, especially the Fuzz, makes it an invaluable addition to my pedal board. If you have a pedal board, I would highly suggest adding this little guy to it. You'll have a blast mixing and matching it with your various other pedals and will no doubt come up with some cool sounding stuff!
    You may not want to use this in the studio, and I don't claim that this pedal sounds like you're sitting in a room with someone playing a vintage Martin. Having said that, I constantly use this for my performances in cover bands and in orchestra pits for musicals. It has a small footprint, and it's easy to use. I feel no need to bring an acoustic guitar to the gig when I have this available.
    A few small quibbles: 1) The plastic cover for the controls doesn't stand up to heavy use: mine is cracked (keep in mind, however, that does not affect the functionality of the pedal.) 2) It's prone to a pronounced thump when you engage/disengage the pedal (that may have much to do with the quality of the electricity--I notice it in some venues, but not in others.) 3) Unless you crank the tone controls, the volume through this pedal is not as loud as the bypassed signal.
    I find this a great value for the price, and if you use it for strumming rather than picking, you can't go wrong.
    The JOYO JF-323 Wooden Sound Acoustic Simulator pedal it is set to impress with its simulation of an acoustic sounding guitar. Turn your electric guitar into an acoustic one at the press of a button. With the latest mini pedal from JOYO the Wooden Sound Acoustic Simulator effect expands the range of your guitar tone without swapping out your guitar mid track, or compensating on the mix. With four controls, one each to adjust the High, Mid, Bass and Volume levels you can dial in the exact tone that you want. An amazingly nice pedal that punches above it's price range. Unlike a lot of acoustic simulator pedals this one actually sounds like you are playing an acoustic through a PA rather than just sounding thin and trebly. Add some reverb, delay and chorus and you've got a perfect acoustic sound without having to swap guitars midway through your song. A pedal that's sure to leave other guitarists asking how you did it!

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  • Технические характеристики
    3330 р
    Размер: 734350 мм
    Вес: 220 г
    Тип: педаль эффектов
    Назначение: для электрогитары
    Питание: адаптер 9 В (центр отрицательный)
    Вид эффекта: эмулятор акустической гитары
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