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Главная » ТВ, Dj оборудование, Hi-Fi техника » Dj оборудование » Педали эффектов » Аксессуар Dunlop MXR M181 Blow Torch Distortion за 7906 рублей

    Аксессуар Dunlop MXR M181 Blow Torch Distortion за 7906 рублей

    • 60

    Стоимость товара:
    7906 руб.
    Количество заказов:
    Amazingly versatile
    Despite what some people have written with regard to the Bass Blowtorch, I will speak from my own personal
    I have now owned 2 MXR Bass Blowtorches. Read complete review
    Despite what some people have written with regard to the Bass Blowtorch, I will speak from my own personal
    I have now owned 2 MXR Bass Blowtorches. The only reason I purchased a second is that I relocated a great distance and found the need to reduce what I was moving to only the bare essentials. After I settled down, I recognized that this pedal WAS a bare essential, and purchased another.
    While this product is appropriately described as a "bass fuzz" [and] it can also be used in more "restrained" and musically usable ways. I have only one Zon Sonus Special fretless I play it through the SWR Baby Blue while this core rig is both tone-ful and warm, there are times when I want another color on my palette; one that is a warmer hue of brown, with tubey complexity and nice little overtones. This pedal can absolutely do that, and it does that well. It is extremely musical with subtle settings, and has a very powerful EQ for further tailoring your tone. If you need extra juice, the blowtorch switch is to the right of the pedal and only a tap of the toe away.
    With regard to some people's concern with the longevity of the pedal, in my experience, this thing is built like a tank. The switch has a positive tactile click, and has never failed me. The aluminum chassis is as aesthetically pleasing as it robust.
    As for some of the other features, I have not used the "thru" jack for amplifying respective effected and clean being said, I appreciate the design being in place should I ever choose to do that. I use the mid shift feature set to 250Hz most of the time [for] but I will use the shift to 750Hz for increased harmonic presence in solo situations. I do not use the 2kHz feature as I feel those frequencies are largely unpleasant, in particular on fretless bass - those frequencies introduce too much string noise and give the notes more of a "pointy-ness" that sacrifices the "bloom" and "mwah" that I seek in my tone.
    To give my review proper perspective, I've played bass for 25 last 15 of which have been exclusively fretless. Not only do I play on a semi-professional basis, but I am also a music educator specializing in theory, relative pitch ear training, and improvisational skills. I am a self confessed music nerd, and I am a tone junky. I do not have a big pedalboard [although]. I currently run an NS2 Noise Gate, the MXR Blowtorch, an MXR Bass Envelope Filter, an MXR Bass Octave Deluxe, and a Boss CE3 Compressor. I also run reverb, subtle delays and chorus as necessary through a TC Electronic G Major rack unit.
    In my estimation, this is an amazingly versatile unit. It gives me warmth when I want it, and has more gas in the tank if it becomes necessary. It isn't as crunchy as a Big M#ff or an El Grande Bass Fuzz [which], but if you want a diverse pedal that can cover lots of ground, or you just like having a few varieties of bass fuzz pedals on your pedal board, this is really the value leader.

    Comments about MXR M-181 Bass Blowtorch Overdrive Distortion Pedal :
    Despite what some people have written with regard to the Bass Blowtorch, I will speak from my own personal
    I have now owned 2 MXR Bass Blowtorches. The only reason I purchased a second is that I relocated a great distance and found the need to reduce what I was moving to only the bare essentials. After I settled down, I recognized that this pedal WAS a bare essential, and purchased another.
    While this product is appropriately described as a "bass fuzz" [and] it can also be used in more "restrained" and musically usable ways. I have only one Zon Sonus Special fretless I play it through the SWR Baby Blue while this core rig is both tone-ful and warm, there are times when I want another color on my palette; one that is a warmer hue of brown, with tubey complexity and nice little overtones. This pedal can absolutely do that, and it does that well. It is extremely musical with subtle settings, and has a very powerful EQ for further tailoring your tone. If you need extra juice, the blowtorch switch is to the right of the pedal and only a tap of the toe away.
    With regard to some people's concern with the longevity of the pedal, in my experience, this thing is built like a tank. The switch has a positive tactile click, and has never failed me. The aluminum chassis is as aesthetically pleasing as it robust.
    As for some of the other features, I have not used the "thru" jack for amplifying respective effected and clean being said, I appreciate the design being in place should I ever choose to do that. I use the mid shift feature set to 250Hz most of the time [for] but I will use the shift to 750Hz for increased harmonic presence in solo situations. I do not use the 2kHz feature as I feel those frequencies are largely unpleasant, in particular on fretless bass - those frequencies introduce too much string noise and give the notes more of a "pointy-ness" that sacrifices the "bloom" and "mwah" that I seek in my tone.
    To give my review proper perspective, I've played bass for 25 last 15 of which have been exclusively fretless. Not only do I play on a semi-professional basis, but I am also a music educator specializing in theory, relative pitch ear training, and improvisational skills. I am a self confessed music nerd, and I am a tone junky. I do not have a big pedalboard [although]. I currently run an NS2 Noise Gate, the MXR Blowtorch, an MXR Bass Envelope Filter, an MXR Bass Octave Deluxe, and a Boss CE3 Compressor. I also run reverb, subtle delays and chorus as necessary through a TC Electronic G Major rack unit.
    In my estimation, this is an amazingly versatile unit. It gives me warmth when I want it, and has more gas in the tank if it becomes necessary. It isn't as crunchy as a Big M#ff or an El Grande Bass Fuzz [which], but if you want a diverse pedal that can cover lots of ground, or you just like having a few varieties of bass fuzz pedals on your pedal board, this is really the value leader.

    {"product":{"id":"151124","stock":"instock","price":"","name":"M-181 Bass Blowtorch Overdrive Distortion Pedal","download":false,"sku_id":"151124000000000","rep_id":"site1prod151124","sku_rep_id":""},"category":"Effects","pageName":"product_detail","subcategory":"Effects Pedals","dept":"Amplifiers & Effects"} {"id": "151124", "skuOrProductId": "151124000000000", "categoryId":"site1HBAL", "name":"M-181 Bass Blowtorch Overdrive Distortion Pedal", "pageUrl":"/amplifiers-effects/open-box-mxr-m-181-bass-blowtorch-overdrive-distortion-pedal", "thumbnailUrl":"", "addToCartUrl":"/amplifiers-effects/open-box-mxr-m-181-bass-blowtorch-overdrive-distortion-pedal", "hasFeatures":"0", "isAccessory":"0", "message":"Too many bass distortions blow away your bottom end by hyping up the high-frequency response. Not the Blowtorch. It gives you an active 3-band EQ with a 3-position mid shift to let you zero in on an incendiary tone, while the Blend knob lets you balance your distortion with direct signal to taste. 18-volt circuitry delivers lots of headroom, clarity and low noise even at lethal volume.", "value":"", "priceMin":"", "priceMax":"", "priceSavingsMaxPrice":"", "priceSavingsMaxPercent":"30", "inventory":"121", "brand":"MXR", "reviewStarImageUrl": "", "reviewStarRating":"", "reviewStarRatingInteger":"8", "reviewHowManyReviews":"17", "usedOrNew":"new", "discontinued":"0", "onOrder":"0", "clearance":"0", "canBeSold":"1", "accessoryCategories":"", "stickerText": "", "priceVisibility": "1"}

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