TP-LINK UH700 USB 7 ports за 1751 рублей
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1751 руб.
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Where to Buy
Protect Both Your Devices and Precious Data
UH700 has a sophisticated circuit design with multiple protections for your devices against over-heating, over-current, over-voltage and short circuit. A built-in surge protector keeps both your devices and data safe in the process of transferring data. UH700 support USB ports hot swapping that can be safely connected and disconnected while the computer is powered on and running.
Short circuit
USB ports offer transfer speeds of up to 5Gbps, 10 times faster than standard USB
The 7 data transfer ports mean you don't have to switch between devices
*Note: Does not require drivers for Windows 10/ / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP or Mac OS X and Linux systems. Backward compatible with USB and the actual transmission speed is limited by the setting of the device connected.
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Тип интерфейса: 7 портов USB тип A
Входной интерфейс: 1 порт micro USB, тип B
Чипсет: Чипсет VIA VL812 с последней версией встроенного ПО
Размер: 165 x x 17,5 мм
Поддержка OC: Windows, Mac OS X и Linux
Адаптер питания: 12В и 2,5A
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